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How do I stop payment on a check?

You may place a stop payment on personal checks or transactions online. If you need to place a stop payment on an electronic check, please visit your nearest branch location or contact the credit union. A stop payment fee of $32.00 will be deducted from your account for each stop payment request made. The request will be valid for 6 months after the date of the request. Please note: Stop payments on checks are not guaranteed until 48 hours after the date of request.

To request a stop payment on a single check:

  1. Click on the Online Services tab.
  2. Click on Stop Payment on a Check.
  3. Select “Place stop payment on the following account.”
  4. Select the account you would like to stop a payment on.
  5. Select the account you would like the stop payment fee to be taken from.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter the number of the check.
  8. Select a reason for the stop payment request from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click Continue and you will receive a confirmation that your stop payment has been placed.


To request a stop payment on range of checks:

  1. Click on the Online Services tab.
  2. Click on Stop Payment on a Check.
  3. Select "Place stop payment on the following account."
  4. Select the account you would like to stop a payment on.
  5. Select the account you would like the stop fee payment to be taken from.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter the beginning check number and ending check number for the checks you would like to stop.
  8. Select a reason for the stop payment request from the drop-down menu.
  9. Click Continue and you will receive a confirmation that your stop payment has been placed.


If you would like to view existing stop payment requests:

  1. Click on the Online Services tab.
  2. Click on Stop Payment on a Check.
  3. Select "Review existing stop payments from the following account."
  4. Click Continue.
  5. A table listing all of your stop payments will be displayed.
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